Frequently asked questions (FAQ) and answers about the Summit Series and this website

Cultivating the Globally Sustainable Self Initiative

Q: What is Summit Series?
A: The Summit Series is currently explained to general public using this flyer and these two websites: IBAVI, and Summitx.org.

Summitx.org site

Q: What is purpose of http://summitx.org site?
A: The site is extension of annual meeting. Of vision this virtual extension of “Summit Series: Cultivating the Globally Sustainable Self” initiative is foster ongoing, collaborative activities while also sharing information, media and curricular materials with the public, in support of the sustainable self.
Q: Should I register for this site?
A: If you active member of Summit Series you should register this site. By registering you will able to login; and when logged in able to access features and pages otherwise unavailable.
Q: How do I register for this site?
A: To register, just click “Register” on Collaboration menu the complete the brief form. Be sure to add all details – some fields are optional. If request is approved, you will be added to website, likely within 48 hours. Registration is a one-time process. Once registered you may visit the website and login in, anytime.
Q: How do I login to site?
A: Once you have registered for site (a one-time process), and your account has been activated by the site administrator (also one-time process), just click “Login” on Collaboration menu, and enter the username and password you created during the Registration process.
Q: How do I join a group?
A: The site owner will add registered users (who are active members the Summit Series) to Committee groups. Are hidden, otherwise. Active members may see and request to join private Interest Groups the own by visiting “Groups” on Collaboration menu. Click the “join group” button nearest the Group name. Group Administrator(s) and Group Moderators may invite other registered users to join your Group.
Q: How do I comment and collaborate in my group(s)?
A: Once your Group, click “Activity” then type in comment box; use the “@” symbol to tag another group member and get their attention. You may also click the “Simple Docs” link to read, edit or create a new collaborative document. Group members may alerted to activity by email. The site Administrator is able to see all site activity. Also access the many vendor links available on Group homepage; information for links is not part of website and usage and support are responsibility of you and the vendor.
Q: What sized photo is best to use for a cover photo for me, or for my Group? How about a profile photo?
A: To edit your profile photo that option on personalized menu in top, right, after login. A photo is larger at 1300 pixels wide by 225 pixels tall, with similar aspect ratio, will look best as cover photo. The smaller profile photo should 150 pixels square or larger with similar, square aspect ratio. At uploading, click “crop image” the reload see your change.
Q: How do I request a friendship?
A: To request friendship: login to site, click “Members” on Collaboration menu, and at click the “request friendship” button nearest the person’s name.
Q: How do I send a message(s)?
A: While logged into site, your personal menu the top, right part of screen. Go to “Message”, the “Compose”. The username of Member, you compose message to them. To find member username, choose “Members” from Collaboration menu. Click the member name to seen “@” symbol and username. Send your message to name.
Q: How do I find other useful tools for online collaboration?
A: The summitx.org website has built-in features for message on individually and as group access databases of member and group, for requesting friendships, for collaborative writing and are way things done! A number of useful tools are accessible on Group homepages, and on Collaboration/Tools page, the main menu of site. The Tools page includes links to instructions for started, and targeted links for quick use and support.